Cooke’s Memoirs of Youghal, Co. Cork, 1749


Regna / Regnum (Queen/King) – Name of
An.D. – Year

Henry VIII
1542 Matw. Portingal
1543. Jno. Forrest
John Forest died in his mayoralaty, and Richard Gough was chosen in his place.
1544. William Walsh
1545 Richard Blewett
1546. Domk. Portingal

Henry VIII. Died January 28th, and his son Edward the Sixth, of the age of 9 years, was proclaimed King.

Edw. VI.
1547. Richard Gough
1548. William Walsh
1549. Christopher Walsh
1550. John Blewett
1551. Richard Gough
1552. Francis Tobin

On the 26th of July, died Edward the Sixth, and Mary, the eldest daughter of King Henry the Eighth was proclaimed Queen at several places of this town the 20th of August following.

1553. Wm. Annyas

None but freemen and inhabitants of this town ought to be chosen to serve in Parliament as citizens thereof.

1554. Wm Shryes

On the 25th of July, Queen Mary was married to Philip, King of Spain.

1555. Rd. Gough
Third time Mayor. Every freeman that takes an apprentice ought to enrol his indenture with the Town Clerk on pain of five shillings.

1556. Thos. Uniacke
1557. Thos. Bluett
1558. Phip. Ronayne
November 17th Queen Mary died and Elizabeth the youngest daughter of King Henry VIII., was on the 5th of December following, here at the usual places proclaimed Queen, to the great joy of this Protestant town. Her Majesty was greatly pleased to grant this town a charter, under the Great Seal of England, in the first year of her reign.

1559. Thos. Bluett
1560. Thos. Uniacke
1561. Jno. Portingal
1562. Frans. Galway
1563. Richd. Gough (4th time mayor)
1564. Thos. Coppinger
1565. Jno. Walsh
1566. Theobald Blewett
1567. Patrick Blewett
1568. Patrick Forrest
1569. Frans. Annyas
1570. Jasper Portingal
1571. Meliher Blewett
1572. Jno. Portingal
1573. Thos. Coppinger
A freeman of this town being impleaded at the courts of Dublin for matters determinable here, our charters for cognisance of pleas were sent up, and by plea demanded, and the cause thereon was ordered to be tried here.

1574. Thibbet Blewett
1575. John Collins
1576. Francis Annyas (2nd time Mayor)
1577. Patk. Blewett (2nd time Mayor)
1578. Pierce fforester
1579. Patk. Coppinger
In this gentleman’s time the town was ransacked to the great damage of the inhabitants

1580. Js. Gallivan
1581. Francs. Annyas
Third time mayor. This town was a second time ransacked; the houses being almost destroyed.

1582. Thos. Coppinger (3rd time mayor)
1583. Pk. Brennot
1584. Pk. Brennot (2nd time mayor)
1585. Js. Kerring
1586. Thos. Coppinger (4th time mayor)
1587. Hector Portingal
This year the college of Dublin was built by Queen Elizabeth

1588. Wm. Magner
1589. Wm. Magner
Deputy to Sir Walter Rawleigh, Knt., a person of rare endowments, take him as statesman, seaman, soldier, or leaned writer, being attainted of high treason, and the sentence lay dormant 16 yrs; and he was sent to Guinea 13 years after his conviction. Yet he was beheaded in the Great Court at Westminster the 29th of October, 1618. His motto: “Tam Marti quam Mercurio.” As he was mayor of this twon two yers successively, I thought proper not to pass him in silence.
1590. Jno. Ronayne
1591. Richd. Ronayne
1592. James Blewett
1593. John Forrest
1594. Js. Kerney
1595. Hector Portingal (2nd time mayor)
1596. Jno. Blewett (2nd time mayor)
1597. Pk. Walsh
1598. Jno. Forest (2nd time mayor)
1599. Jno. Ronayne
Ten hides of leather seized on being not well tanned, according to the statute.

1600. Walter Collyne
Sir George Carew had quarters here for 900 men and 100 horse for three days

1601. James Kerny (2nd time mayor)
Two freemen hereof, for suing two other freemen out of the jurisdiction of this court, were both of them fined and disfranchised, and paid their fines accordingly, but were not restored to their freedom.


James 1.
1602. John Gallavan.
Queen Elizabeth of ever blessed memory, departed this life, 24th March, and some time after King James the First was here proclaimed King, in a solemn manner, on the quay and other noted places of this town on the 28 April next following.

1603. John Gallivan
1604. John Gallivan (3rd time mayor successively)
1605. Edwd. Coppinger
On the fifth day of November the gunpowder treason was discovered, and the actors found and executed.

1606. Nichl. Gallivan.
This gentleman died three weeks after he was sworn, and Mr. John Gallivan served in that office for the remaining part of the year.

1607. Thomas Gough
1608. James Kerny (3rd time mayor)
1609. John Every.
Edward Coppinger was made sword bearer.

N.B. It is certain there were bailiffs in this town before this time, but as the records could not be found no record could be given of them.

Mayors and Bailiffs

Nichs. Gallivan
In this year was the first scavenger appointed by the mayor. (Note: What contributes materially to render this town clean and wholesome is that the Corporation annually farm out with their other revenues the sweeping of the streeeets to the best bidder ; this generally lets for ten or twelve pounds a year, affording excellent manure – “Lords Youghal” 1784)

James Coppinger
Wm. Greenbank
Edwd. Gough.
The late mayor brought and delivered in court the town chest, with the new charter and several other charters belonging to the town, together with his common seal and mayoralty seal.
Ordered that the new charter be enrolled in the exchequer and was accordingly done.
This mayor and Edward Gough, one of the bailiffs refused to take the oath of supremacy, and therefore were discharged from their office. James Gough was elscted mayor, and Ephraim Harrard bailiff in their stead. As maintenance and yearly fee to the Recorder, every alderman and burgess to pay one shilling and sixpence per year, and every other freman twelve pence provided he give due attendance. The sword bearer made clark of all common bargains, and to have the accustomed fees as an annuity for carrying the sword before the mayor.

Richard Gough
Gerd. Fitzgerald
Philip Kerny
Gerald Fitzgerald refused the oath of surpremacy and was discharged, and John Wilson served in his stead. An assize of Bread and other things appointed, and several people admitted to be inhabitants of the town and sworn accordingly.
This year, Edmond Coppinger and John Forrest were elected burgesses to serve in Parliament (by the entry the writ was directed to the Corporation) and they were allowed ten shillings a day for them and their horses, for which a tax was laid on the inhabitants by the mayor and immediately levied. The mayor this year was not to receive any of the customs, under forfeiture for £300, but the bailiffs were to receive them, and have two shillings in the pound for so doing, to defray their expenses. The mayor was to have £30 a year salary out of the forfeitures, rents and fifes and so forth, with the head fish, meace of herrings, cod-penny etc., but shall pay out of them to the Recorder £5 a year; to the sword bearer £3. 6s. 8d., ; to the mayors sergeant twenty shillings a year. (Note: At this time a ship’s carpenters wage per diem with meat and drink was 6d., without meat and drink , 12d., ; house carpenters, the same; the common labourer, with meat and drink 3d., and without 6d.)

1613. Peter Marks was this year Recorder and freeman at large. Several forestallers prosecuted. Edwad. Coppinger was made Deputy Recorder.

John Avery
Jno Wilson
Wm. Greenbank.
One James Thearse was fined a pipe-full, and paid it accordingly.
Taxes levied for a licence for wine
Goods of a felo-do-se forfeited to this town, and seized accordingly.
John Dromadda, a most notorious offender and common robber, was taken within the liberties of this town. He was tried before the mayor, Recorder and bailiffs, convicted and executed; his head was fixd on the Clock Castle, by virtue of the charter granted in this reign. The Corporation had a great compliment paid them by the Lord Deputy for this service.

Edwd. Coppinger
WM. Blewett
Nichs. Forrest.
The mayor and bailiffs refused the oath of supremacy, and were therefore discharged from their office. Richard Gough, Wm. Luelline and Thomas Read were chosen in their stead.
Henry Gosnald was this year chosen Recorder.
Several entries of Leases Parole.

James Gough
Gyles Maynard
William Lamb
Frequent orders for stopping the holes and doors in the town.
There was a rate settled upon candles according to the price of tallow. (Note: Under this year a curious custom is recorded in the “Council Book” of the Corporation, p. 44. “According to a former bye-law for the letting part of the common land, as it may be spared, viz., the white bog., etc., and the common glynns, this day, by general consent, a piece of candle was appointed and lighted, during the burning whereof, whosoever should bid most for said land should enjoy same for 31 yeares.”)

The Company of Butchers within this town disturbing the markets and taking away the victuals of foreign butchers resorting hither, were for their misdemeanour many of them committed to the marshall’s ; the ring leaders were fined, and paid their several fines before they were discharged.

John Avery
Thos Gould
Wm. Monday.
Laurence Parsons, Esq., his Majesties Attorney for the Province of Munster, was made Recorder on Henry Gosnald surrendering that office.
The commons of this town by unanimous consent was sett to rent.
A law was made, if the burgesses and freemen did not attend the Court of D’Oyer Hundred, and make their appearance once in four court days, the person so offending should be disfranchised and debarred of all privileges.


Christian Harford
Randal Brient
Jasper Walsh
Richard Boyle, Esq., son of the Rt. Honble Richard Boyle, Barron of Youghall, was presented with the freedom of the Corporation, which he was pleased to accept.
A proclamation against usary was sent down to this town by the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland.
Goods forfeited, for non-payment of the duty town custom, and composition made for the same.
By the ancient custom of this town, no excommunicated person can put in suit of law any other person whatsoever, which is hereby continued.

Willm. Bluett
Rd. Ronayne
Richard Ashe
It is this 11th day of January ordered and agreed by common and general consent of the Mayor, Recorder, Bayliffs, Burgeses and Commonalty of this town, that for any petty sume, debt or demand under ten shillings, none shall be hereafter arrested or attach’d by warrant, unless the party that owed it refused to come with the sargeant to the said Mayor, Recorder and Bayliffs, when he is by any of them sent for.
An order was made by the Mayor, Recorder, and Bayliffs, that if any person should be here imprisoned upon a plaint, and the plaintiff or his attorney bring not his declaration into the court in writing, or file it in the Town Clerk’s office, or serve the defendant with it within fourteen days after the arrest, that the defendant should be discharged out of custody.
Goods of a felo-de-se forfeited to the Corporation, and composition was made for the same.

Wm Lewellin
Thos. Coppinger
Yiege O’Dawe
James Meaghy was this year elected, but would not stand mayor, therefore was fined £10 and committed to the marshall’s, and was not from thence discharged until he paid his fine.
Robert Cooke, Esq., (commonly called Linen Cooke), was made an inhabitant.
The Mayor’s accompts were ordered to be always read in publick court after they are delivered unto the mayor in being.
This year a proclamation concerning alehouses was sent down by the Lord Deputy and Council.

Thos. Holship
John Cotter
Peter Wingrove.
Any miller that takes above the sixteenth part, and that proved before the Mayor, Recorder or Bayliffs, to be committed during the pleasure of the mayor or bailiff who examinith the matter, and to pay five shilling to the poor before enlargement, and never to come more into the liberties with corn or to keep a mill.

A proclamation was sent down, forbidding noble-men from sending their children out of the King’s dominions to be brought up in any other country.
Goods seized on as forfeited, being foreign, bought or sold, and composition made for the same.

Edwd.. Gough
David Walsh
Edwd.. Stout.
James Lawler appointed town gunner of the fort, with a salary of forty shillings a year.
John Bayly made free, on condition to dress the dinners of several mayors.
All corn brought to market being unsold, is to be put up in the court-house loft, and not to be carried out of town in less than three market days.

Wm. Lewellin
Thos. Stout
Mauce Mansfield.
Maurice Mansfield deposed for not taking the oath of supremacy, and Owen O’Reij elected in his stead.
Bakers not to buy corn till 3 of the clock.
Several hides of leather not well tanned, were seized on by the seal master, according to the statute.

Willm. Bluett
Mattw. Browning
Jasper Portingal
Several proclamations from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland in regard of riots and unlaw

Pierce Meayr
Domk. Portingal
George Morgan
This year a proclamation from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland was sent down here against hoarding up corn in a time of scarcity, and that the same should be carried to the next market town, and there sold. Commissioners in each county and city were appointed to put this proclamation into execution.
Prince Charles was born the 2oth day of May in this year. It was observed that a star appeared all that day and two days thereafter. The sun was eclipsed, which would have happened had he never been born.
Leather seized on by the seal master, and composition made for them,

David Walsh
Wm. Portingal
Ambe. Coppinger
On the 4 day of November in this year, the Lady Day, the King’s daughter was born at Saint James’s.

Patk. Collins
Michl. Forrest
Jasper Gough
Adrian Coppinger was made sword-bearer.

Willm. Lambe
Jasper Collins
Jno. Lyime
James, Duke of York, was born the 15th day of October.
Edward Gough and Theobald Ronayne were chosen burgesses to serve in Parliament.

Thos. Stout
James Ronayne
Simon Gibons
A proclamation was sent down from the Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland for passing good farthings, and was proclaimed here in the most noted places of the town.
(Note: This proclamation was mainly directed against counterfitting the farthing tokens of the realm, the punishment for which was cutting off the ears. Also for limiting their legal tender, so that they should not be forced in undue quantity upon the labourers and mechanics in payment of their wages; ” and that such farthing tokens could be only used in exchange for sums not exceeding the valus of twopence to any other person at any one time” – “Corporation Records”)


Wm. Bluett
Maurc. Uniacke
James Gallivan
James Nagle was made sword-bearer, and was sworn accordingly.

Richd. Gough
Stepn. Coppinger
Ns. Nagle
John Walsh was appointed gunner of the fort, with a salary of forty shillings per year.

Js. Ronayne
Wm. Gough
John Gallivan
Adrian Coppinger was again made sword-bearer, in the place of James Nagle, who resigned that office.

Wm. Gough
John Bluett
John Hazard
This year there was ordered that no reeks or reek of furz shoud be made from abbey to abbey, under a pain of £3, to be levied by distress.
Jasper Collins was this year made sword-bearer, on the surrender of Adrian Coppinger.

Maurice Uniacke
Wm. Lewis
Nichs. Nagle

Thos. Stout
Walter Coppinger
Domk. Bluett
This year Michael Boyle, Dean of Cloyne, was admitted free, and Sworn the 26th day of October.
(Note: Michael Boyle, D.D., was son of Richard Boyle Archbishop of Tuam, and was advanced to the sees of Cork, Cloyne and Ross by letters patent of King Charles II., 22nd January, 1660. He was consecrated in St. Patrick’s Church, Dublin, on the 27th of the same month. And he was one of the twelve bishops who were consecrated all together in St. Patrick s Church after the Restoration.. Quite spent with old age, having arrived at his 93rd year, he died at Oxmantown, Dublin, and was buried on the next night, 1oth December, 1702, at eleven, in the Earl of Cork’s tomb in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, without pomp. – ‘Brady’s Record’s.”)
All lighters to cleanse the key every year.

1641. James Gallivan
Wm. Kerin
Nichs. Bagbare
March the first, Joshua Boyle was sworn Recorder of this town and a freeman at large.
The Great Plague in Dublin.

Thos. Stout
Domk. Bluett
Richd. Myers
No tobacco to be sold to the Irish rebels, for fear of spies, the Irish having a way of sending people in disguise to see what was doing in the town.
The same order was made in Cork and Kingsale, without especial order from the Earl of Inchiquin.

Thos. Stout
Domk. Bluett
John Miller
A proclamation, declaring certain money coined in Ireland, was sent down by the Lord Deputy and Council to be passable.

John Miller
Thomas Clove
John Bucknor
Captain John Boyle was presented with the freedom of this Corporation, which he kindly received, and was sworn in accordingly.

Thos. Stout
James Vandeleur
Thomas Taylor

Adam Warren
Thomas Warren
Robert Pratt
This mayor was a captain in the army, and never served as bayliff, as you may see from the following letter from Thomas Stout, late mayor, to the Earl pf Inchiquin
” Sep. 21, 1646.
Right Honourable,
We received your lordship’s letter the 17th of this instant on the 18th day of the same, being then ready to proceed to election of mayor and bailiffs for the next ensueing year, whereby we understand your lordship’s honble. intentions, as well for the preservation and continuance of the ancient customs and preheminencies of this our now poor distressed Corporation, and the support thereof by fitt and able men to manage this civil government, which hath us to proceed with greater comfort and alacrity in that affair, and according to your lordship’s particular recommendation of Captain Adam Warren, we have, in respectful obedience to your lordship’s desire, completed thereunto and elected him mayor for the subsequent year, notwithstanding that, according to the antient acts and customs
of the Corporation, the election hath ever been by free suffrages, and no other person called unto that place of magistracy unless one that had formerly served as bayliff, which antient custom we doubt your lordship will be pleased hereafter to leave free unto us, whereof we rest assured, in regard, we perceive your lordship’s great care taken of us, for which we shall ever remain, your lordship’s most humble servants.-
Thos. Stout, Mayor.”

Richd. Myers
Jno. Brishford
Thos. Farmer
Several letters were sent to the mayor from Lord Inchiquin to furnish stable and fodder for three hundred horses and quarters for the men, which was immediately complyed with. On the 12 day of August news was brought to this town of a great victory obtained over the Irish near Dublin the 8th of August. Coll. Butler, Coll. Warring, Coll. Plunket, Coll. Symons, Coll. Rochford, the Earl of Westmeath, and forty other officers taken, 130 serviceable horses taken, 240 horses killed ; the Earl of Fingall killed; four brass guns taken; 80 oxen that drew the carriages taken ; the pillage of the field valued at £50,006.

Oliver Cromwell.
Long Parliament


Thos. Taylor
Andrew Wandrick
John Langer
On the 30th day of January King Charles was beheaded, and on the 9th of February following was interred in the Chapel Royal at Windsor, in the vault, as is supposed, of King Henry the Eighth and Queen Jane, with this inscription upon the coffin :-“Charles, King of England, 1648.”

Thos. Warren
Henry Heard
George Barnes
John Langer was made sword-bearer, and was sworn accordingly.
The town revolted to Oliver Cromwell.

Jno. Langer
Thos. Stephens
Frans. Baker
On the 4 of November was the glorious King William born for the preservation of these kingdoms from Popery, and Protestants from Romish tyranny. His memory ought to be dear and precious to Protestants, and by them never to be forgotten, especially by the Protestants of these kingdoms.

Andrew Wandrick
Jasper Cox
Cromwell embarked for England from hence, and left his command to his son-in-law, Ireton.

John Breshford
Jno. Simmons
John Farthing
Will. Warren was made gunner of the fort; with a salary of forty shillings per year.

Jasper Cox
Richard Gillett
Thos. Baker
A cage for boys and cocking stole ordered to be putt up.
(Note: The cucking-stool was a rude, massive armchair, suspended from the quay over the water. It was for the punishment of scolding women, who, being convicted, were firmly secured in the chair, and then ducked under water three or more: times according to the terms of their sentence. This, with the Brank, or Bridle, for the same class of offender, the Cage for boys, the pillory for both sexes, are now well nigh forgotten as obsolete modes of punishment.
The next paragraph shews how apprentices were called upon in 1653 by commencing their days work.)

The town bell to ring at 8 o’clock at night, and at 4 o’clock in the morning dureing winter, to call the apprentices to work.
Esay Thomas was sworn freeman of the town, and was made Recorder thereof.

1654. Thos. Farmer
John Nettles
Thomas Vaughan
Thomas Vaughan sworn Town Clerk by unanimous consent.

Thos. Murdock
Nichs. Stout
No dirt to be cast into the quay.
The marshaller not to take any more than twelve pence for the committal of any person upon the magistrates’ displeasure.
The 30th of November, a common council was appointed, twenty-four in number besides the mayor.
This year the bounds of the town to be perambulated and the houses viewed.

Jno. Farthing
John Stout
Peter Goodwin
John Stout, one of the bayliffs, died, and John Handcock was elected bayliff. Andrew Wandrick, Esq., was sworn Recorder, and a salary of £10 given to him, in case of good attendance.
A farthing per bushell to be paid as custom for all corn brought to market; and for anything under nothing.
Liberty is granted to the freemen to cut turf in the town bogg.
This year the Quakers first came to this town, and preached against the clergy.

Thos. Nettles
Jno. Handcock
Stephen Clove

Thos. Vaughan
Henry Davies
Lauce. Davies

Thos. Warren
Jno. Luther
Abm. Vaughan

Charles II.
Richd. Myers
Jefford Stout
St. Blackford
Mr. Richard Boyle admitted free at large, the 19th day of May.

General Monk was instrumental in restoring King Charles the Second to his kingdoms, after a long exile, without any bloodshed, who landed in Dover the 26th day of May, and came into London the 29th day of the same month, and
was crowned King at Westminster the 28th day of April then next following, and was proclaimed here with the usual solemnity and joy on such occasions, on the 19th of May.

Any person marrying the widow of an alderman, burgess, or freeman, is entitled to have his freedom at large.

Stephen Clove, merchant, presented for keeping false weights, and being a regrator was fined and disfranchised.

Nichs. Stout
Nichs. Stout
Jno.’ Hassard
Sir Boyle Maynard, Knt., and Owen Silver, Esq., were elected burgesses to serve this borough in Parliament.

Jefford Stout
Abm. Vaughan
Matthew Spencer
Nicholas Stout was made sword-bearer, and was sworn into his office.

Jno. Langer
Jno. Deacon
Wm. Norman
Freemen at large, living as well without as within the liberties, were taxed towards building the Market House, and paid accordingly.
June 24th, the Rt. Honble. the Lord Orrery, by letter to the mayor, desires the army may be quartered in the town, which was comply’d with and that the holes in the walls may be stopped up, which was accordingly done thus ends his lordship’s letter :-“These two things are recommended to your special and speedy care,
by your affectionate friend-Orrery.’

Richd. Gillett
Edwd. Perry
Jno. Pyne
This mayor and bayliffs neglected their duties in not minding the weights and measures, and not settling the assize of bread, according to the several acts of the town.
This year a cage was made for boys and a pillory erected.
No foreigners to be made free at large, only during his residence here.
A lease made to Owen Silver, Esq., of the office of Town Clerk during his life.
This year the King’s declaration of war against the United Provinces was proclaimed with the usual solemnities against the French King.