Abbeyside & Ring, Waterford
Marriage Index 1828-1829
The following table of Abbeyside & Ring marriages is transcribed from Microfilm No. 2469 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page. This is an index of the names of the people who were married in the Roman Catholic parish of Abbeyside & Ring, during the years 1828 to 1829. This section of the register is in Latin. This means that generaly speaking first names are given in Latin, surnames are in English. All names given here are as I read them. When registers are in Latin many times we see names spelled incorrectly. I do have a page online which gives Latin names in English so you may consider looking at that if you have any problems here.
My list is sorted by the surname of the groom. Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading. The letters ‘sic’ indicate that is how I read the letters I have typed.
[ ] indicates that the letters within the brackets are my best guess at what the letters might be
n.g. means the name or placename was not given
Place names are given in this section of the register
Names that I have a question about the first letter of the surname lie at top of this list