Tag Archives: 1844

Lordship (Ballymacscanlon), Louth. Marriage 1844

Lordship (Ballymacscanlon), Louth

  Lordship (Ballymacscanlon), Marriage Index 1844

This is an index of the names of the people who were married in the Roman Catholic parish of Lordship (Ballymacscanlon) during the  year 1844.   The following table of marriages is transcribed from Microfilm No. 5595 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page.   All names and surnames given here are as I read them.  This section of the register is in English.


My list is sorted by the surname of the groom.  Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading.  The letters ‘sic’ indicate that is how I read the letters I have typed.
[ ] indicates that the letters within the brackets are my best guess at what the letters might be.

Townlands are not given.

Nicknames, Shortened names used in Irish records

If you go to the page i have linked to below and are sitting at a PC and want to search the records for a surname that you are interested in then press Ctrl and F together.  A box will pop up for you to enter the characters you’d like to find on the page you are on. Pressing enter will bring you to the next entry for that name and so on.  My thanks to Clare Lawler Kilgallen who posted this information on a Facebook page.

If you are working with a Mac then press ⌘ & F and continue as above.

Page 107 Marriage Records Lordship Roman Catholic Parish : Transcription begins on this page of microfilm


Ballymore & Mullaghbrack (Tandragee), Armagh. Marriage 1843-44

Ballymore & Mullaghbrack (Tandragee), Co. Armagh

  Ballymore & Mullaghbrack (Tandragee) Marriage Index 1843-44

This is an index of the names of the people who were married in the Roman Catholic parish of Ballymore & Mullaghbrack (Tandragee), Co. Armagh during the  years 1843-44.   The following table of marriages is transcribed from Ballymore & Mullaghbrack Microfilm No. 5586 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page.   All names and surnames given here are as I read them.

My list is sorted by the surname of the groom.  Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading.  The letters ‘sic’ indicate that is how I read the letters I have typed.
[ ] indicates that the letters within the brackets are my best guess at what the letters might be.

Townlands are not given.

Nicknames, Shortened names used in Irish records

Page 40 Marriage Records Ballymore Roman Catholic Parish : Transcription begins on this page of microfilm


Ballyscullion (Bellaghy), Derry (Londonderry) & Antrim. Marriage 1844-45

Ballyscullion (Bellaghy), Derry (Londonderry) & Antrim

 Ballyscullion (Bellaghy) Marriage Index 1844-45

This is an index of the names of the people who were married in the Roman Catholic parish of Ballyscullion (Bellaghy) which is spread over counties Antrim  and Derry (Londonderry) during the years 1844-45.  The following table of marriages is transcribed from Ballyscullion (Bellaghy) Microfilm No. 5763 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page.   All names and surnames given here are as I read them.

My list is sorted by the surname of the groom.  Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading.  The letters ‘sic’ indicate that is how I read the letters I have typed.
[ ] indicates that the letters within the brackets are my best guess at what the letters might be.

Townlands are not given in this section of the records.

The National Library of Ireland gives this parish as occurring in Derry (Londondery) only, it does not list Antrim.  John Grenham lists this parish as spreading over both counties.  I am informed by Jim and Colm (members of the Facebook group Ulster Clans of Ireland thatBallyscullion townland is divided by the river Bann at Newferry and covers both Antrim & Derry, the chapel is on the Antrim side (ref. Jim)  Newferry Village is no longer, it was bulldozed away in the 1960’s.  Ballyscullion lies on either side of Lough Beg (ref Colm).  The river Bann divides Antrim and Derry and runs through the Lough.  It was Church land in medieval times “O Scullion being An Tergnach” = Custodians of Church and Parish (ref. Colm)

Nicknames, Shortened names used in Irish records

Page 86 Marriage Records Ballyscullion Roman Catholic Parish : Transcription begins on this page of microfilm


Duneane, Antrim. Marriages 1844-45

Duneane , Antrim

Duneane Marriage Index 1844-1845

This is an index of the names of the people who were married in the Roman Catholic parish of Duneane, Antrim during the years 1844 and 1845.

The following table of marriages is transcribed from Dunean, Antrim, Microfilm No. 5474 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page.   All names given here are as I read them.

My list is sorted by the surname of the groom.  Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading.  The letters ‘sic’ indicate that is how I read the letters I have typed.
[ ] indicates that the letters within the brackets are my best guess at what the letters might be.

It must be mentioned that there are 3 marriages in this list which were given *after* the records were supposed to have moved to 1845.  They had the month December listed beside them while the records that should have been listed should have been for January 1845.  I have changed the year to 1845.  Marriages of Daniel O’Neill, Owen Scully and John McCourt.
Also, there was one entry for January 1846 at the end of the page I was working on and I forgot to delete that from my table.

Townlands are not given in this section of the records

Nicknames, Shortened names used in Irish records


Cootehall (Ardcarn, Tuamna), Roscommon. Marriages 1843-45

Cootehall (Ardcarn, Tuamna) Marriages, Roscommon

Cootehall, (Ardcarn, Tuamna) Marriage Index 1843-45

The following table of Cootehall marriages is transcribed from Microfilm No. 4612 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page.  This is an index of the names of the people who were married in this Roman Catholic parish during the years 1843-1845.  This section of the register is in Latin.  This means that first names are given in Latin surname are in English.  All names given here are as I read them.  When registers are in Latin many times we see names spelled incorrectly.  I do have a page online which gives Latin names in English so you may consider looking at that if you have any problems here.

My list is sorted by the surname of the groom.  Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading.  The letters ‘sic’ indicate that is how I read the letters I have typed.
[ ] indicates that the letters within the brackets are my best guess at what the letters might be

Place names are not given in this section of the register


Ramoan (Ballycastle), Antrim. Marriages 1838-44

Ramoan (Ballycastle) Roman Catholic Parish, Antrim

Ramoan (Ballycastle) Marriage Index 1838-1844

The following table of Ramoan (Ballycastle) marriages is transcribed from Microfilm No. 5476/3 held online by the National Library of Ireland accessible through their Roman Catholic Parish Register Search page.  This is an index of the names of the people who were married in this parish during the years 1838 to 1844.  This section of the register is in English.   All names given here are as I read them.  I am not familiar with some of the shortened versions of names and I have an asterisk beside these ones to show that the full version that I give is my guess

My list is sorted by the surname of the groom.  Question marks indicate letters or words I had a problem reading.  Place names are not given in this section of the register

Shortened Names = Proper Name
Alexr.=Alexander ; Archy=Archibald ; Biddy=Bridget ; Jinny/Genney=Jennifer* ; Kity/Kitty=Kathleen/Catherine ; Peggy=Margaret ; Sally=Sarah

James McDonnell was listed as a Surgeon